Contact us for your quote today; We can deliver via a Flatbed trailer. With 48″ reinforced rebar Ground Anchor A stakes, 13 gauge posts, 4′ rafter spacing, 14 Gauge gothic roof, and W trusses.
IPM-NPM with our Perforated PP12 insect protection screen.
How can we reduce pesticides, improve IPM-NPM, & introduce sustainable bio methods in raising produce? Here is 1 way. Apply our cost-effective Perforated PP 12 gsm @ $.18/sq. meter over your crop canopy inside your greenhouse for a value-driven alternative.
Covertan Crop Cover Tips
Suntex will advise on what type of Covertan to use, when & how to secure, remove, storage to use Covertan again, using hoops to suspend Covertan off young plants, +. For thermal protection, should I use Covertan 19 x 2
The quality of light is compared to the quantity of light.
For example, a greenhouse poly with 84 % light transmission and 55% light diffusion, along with anti-drip & Infra-red properties, will keep more moderate daytime temperatures, which benefits your plants and crew working underneath. A 90 % light transmission poly
Spring Clean with these 5 Tips.

Greenhouse Ventilation Control by Pressure Difference
Mechanical ventilation can be divided into three types: negative-, positive-, and neutral-pressure ventilation. Negative-pressure systems use fans to exhaust air, thereby creating a slight partial vacuum that draws fresh air from the outdoors. Negative-pressure ventilation systems are used most commonly
Growing in Bags vs. Containers – from

Consider White for cooler soil temps vs. Black
KoolLite Plus Greenhouse Film for Warm Climates

Growers choose Quality of Light more than the Quantity of Light. New advanced technology allows higher light transmission (84% PAR) plus the same great daytime heat reduction that growers have depended on with KoolLite 380. KoolLite Plus will typically lower
Tips for Excluding Insects in the Greenhouse

The shortcomings of using Mesh vs. Hole Size to select an insect screen: Mesh is a term to describe woven products that indicates the number of yarns per unit measure. So mesh can mean yarns per inch or yarns per
Covertan Pro Row Covers – New Stock in US

Contact us at 1.888.Suntex.1 today for full range of Covertan ready to ship from PA, FL or NJ as of 15 Mar ’19